Monday, October 29, 2012

Open Letter to Residents Who Met to Talk about Violence in Norristown

Greetings residents,

I'm sorry I cannot attend your meeting at Norris Hose Firehouse on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28. I work as Christian clergy and I was obligated to conduct a worship service this afternoon at 3:30pm in Philadelphia.

I'm glad residents are mobilizing to express their concerns and to demand action. I fully support that effort.

I know full well all of us in Norristown have strong opinions and strong views about what the problems are, and from where the solutions ought to come. I won't spend my brief letter trying to disagree about problems or solutions.

I want to say a few things however.

First, if the full municipal council is asked to do something, to take some action, then I will first follow the proposals of the council president Gary Simpson and vice president William Caldwell. It is well known that I can express my own opinions, and will continue to do so, but any ordinance or funding action you want from council, I will start with their direction.

Second, I one thousand percent support a faith-based strategy to tackle youth violence. I am a true believer in the TenPoint model. Research the model for yourself. Do a background check for yourself.

It will never work in Norristown unless some churches embrace it and I really hope they will embrace it.

Finally, grassroots organizations and grassroots leaders must effectively, positively and consistently engage county and state elected and appointed officials and find ways to work with business corporations and foundations. Being authentically grassroots will not necessarily lead to long-term viability and evidence of improved outcomes in the lives of youth.

As I walked the streets late at night in Norristown, I actually saw kids who were part of grassroots groups, who went to churches, and who did well in school. We have to know the factors that will truly move the needle and address them.

We won't agree on everything, or every method. But I agree and stand with you that residents must act and speak up and make their voices heard.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you where you deem appropriate.