Sunday, January 5, 2014

Norristown Needs Effective Leadership

Published in The Times Herald, Sunday, Jan. 5

A few years ago, Norristown council changed its zoning laws to ban pawn shops and check cashers in central business districts on both the east and west sides of town.

But you would never know by the digital advertising you see driving across the Dannehower Bridge. Just the other day I saw a sign blazing for, which advertises, “We do one thing right. Cash checks.”

The sign is a clear indicator that legislation is no replacement for leadership.

Across this town, there are more clear signs that laws, and plans and committees alone are insufficient to overcome the general crisis in confidence citizens, homeowners, businesses and consumers have with the county seat.

This is why I have decided to go public with my quest to be president of Norristown council.

I am convinced that strong, clear, creative and community-focused leadership can and will make a difference where other approaches have failed.

Some will say why make this appeal because your council colleagues will decide who leads them. And this is true, council votes on the matter, and some of them won’t vote for me. But it should also be true that our community has a voice in the matter too.

Elections matter, and the primary and general elections of 2013 were an expression of the voters’ desire to move beyond the status quo and see some form of change in not just the composition of council, but its leadership as well.

Like never before, we need strong, bold and clear leadership.

For decades we have been reading headlines about this community’s decline.

One article, from 1995 begins, “The candidates running for open council seats here agree on at least one thing: After surviving the collapse of a bridge, a fire that devastated a Main Street block, the ongoing bitter feud between the council and the mayor, and the slowly dwindling tax base, Norristown must change direction now, or follow the path of such blighted boroughs as Chester.”

It is the same story, but a different date, because what hasn’t truly changed is the quality, character and credibility of our leadership.

We have an opportunity to go in a truly different direction – and to do so now.

My top priority as council president would be to restore confidence in local government – first and foremost by doing the public’s business in public, and not behind closed doors. As a political activist, I will offer tough decision making and a clear understanding of complex issues that will enable us to keep simple commitments like clean and safe streets.

At the same time we need a leader that truly understands the complexities of financing transformative developments through public-private partnerships, while at the same time tackling cycles of poverty, gang violence and general lack of opportunity that threaten many vulnerable Norristown young people and their families.

We need leadership that has truly listened to Norristown in all its diversity. As I participated in the search for a new police chief in 2013, I heard the strong opinions of black people who felt denied, white people who felt misunderstood and Latinos who felt profiled. I understood that being effective in Norristown is not quickly claiming to represent a town with so many competing identities and constituencies, but building trust and credibility as a listener and bridge builder.

My work with Latinos to support immigration reform, and young professionals to promote the arts, and with long-time natives to make grassroots groups strong and relevant, along with a clear commitment to intergovernmental cooperation to get money for anti-violence work, fair housing and economic development opportunities – it all speaks to the kind of leadership that cannot legislate change, but can help restore confidence – the confidence that inspires investment in a land development deal, a new home, a neighborhood playground, or a just a night out for dinner and theater in downtown.

On Monday, January 6, I want the public to know you can indeed determine who the next council president is if you speak up and speak out. I want your support. I might not be council’s choice, but I want to be the people’s choice for council president.

I want to further support the emerging and evolving civic engagement that has been steadily increasing in Norristown, and I want to turn frustrated activism based on opposition into faithful advocacy for our town based on confidence in our ability to broker opportunity – together.

Marlon Millner is councilman at large in Norristown, PA. Follow him on Facebook at Councilman Millner or on Twitter at NorristownPOL.